
lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Querido John / Dear John

Anoche vi esta película, Querido John. Es bastante dramática. Trata de un soldado llamado John que le dan dos semanas de vacaciones y va al pueblo donde vive su padre, que es autista. Allí, conoce a Savannah. Se enamoran y empiezan a salir pero las dos semanas pasan y John tiene que volver al ejército. Se mandan cartas pero eso no es suficiente. 

Le dan un fin de semana de permiso antes de reengancharse. Savannah le pide que no vuelva al ejército porque si se reengancha, no le volverá a ver hasta pasados dos años. Tras dos meses sin recibir ninguna carta de Savannah, llega una y no muy alegre. 

Con esta película he podido ver que hasta el amor más fuerte, no dura eternamente aunque la llama jamás se apaga ya pasen días, meses o años.

Last night I saw this fil, Dear John. It's a very sad film. It's about a soldier called John and the army gives him two week of holidays and he goes to the village where his father lives, who is autistic. There, He meets Savannah and they fall in love and they star going out. But the holidays end and he has to come back to the army. They send to each other letters but it isn't enough.

The army gives him a weekend before he reenlists. Savannah asked him not to come back to the army because if he reenlists, they won't see each other for two years. After two months without receiving any letters from Savannah, he receives one but not a happy one.

With this film I have seen that even the strongest love doesn't last forever but the flame never goes out even if they pass days, months or years.

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